
LifExpression Butoh movement


My classes and workshops are the result of my own experience and research into dance and energy. Through contemporary Butoh dance and vital energy (Qigong). As well as the regular practice of Yoga and active meditation.
Always exploring spontaneous movement, active improvisation and listening to that energetic body or field.
The freedom to dance and express ourselves from that original body.
A process connected with the Universe itself. 

Warm-up work summary:

     Energetic joint unblocking is a specific work to release energetic knots, to recover the joint mobility so necessary to move and express ourselves freely. Any stiffness or joint pain, the result of emotional impacts, disappears. The body gradually frees itself from those memories, from those contractions and knots, always according to the needs of each student.

     Deep stretching helps muscles and tendons regain their elasticity, which is so necessary to maintain a healthy, active and injury-free body. The body becomes agile and young.

     Center exercises (hara) that reactivate vital energy, gaining strength, resistance, empowerment, self-esteem, clarity of thought, decision making, reaffirmation of objectives, serenity, temperance, joy of living and enjoyment. So fundamental not only to this dance, but our daily routine.

     Mobilizing Qi, through basic Qi Gong exercises, opens the energy channels and balances our mind, body and spirit vertically. Preparing and opening the energetic body, to immerse ourselves deeply in this dance.
     Conscious breathing, all the exercises mentioned are done through conscious breathing, which establishes us in what there is, that is, the eternal present. And through localized breathing, which in addition to filling any corner of our body with renewed energy, reviews and directs our attention to where it is most needed. Our mind recovers its creativity, lucidity and serenity.

Our energy flows again in harmony, observing how the body becomes healthy and strong.

We become more present, and we are able to use our true potential. Our body and spirit are now ready to dance, experiment and enjoy the journey!

 The choreographic process:

Transition through the thickness of space and temporal illusoryness through the use of images and music that will lead us to the spontaneous birth of the composition. Be that channel through which the choreography that already exists everywhere will be born. Allowing whatever wants to appear to emerge. (Memories of the place, unconscious information, other invisible realities...etc) 

My workshops:

Being able to carry out a specific research project each time allows the student to experience in depth some aspect or facet of themselves. If dance is understood as a great creative universe with multiple paths and possibilities, ready to be explored. Once you delve into one of them, there are many pleasant surprises that you will experience and receive.

Here some example of workshops:

  • The hug of the Great Turtle.

  • 4 Seasons, 4 direction, 4 animals.

  • In the Silence.

  • The primitive body.

  • When the tree falls, the flower grows.

  • A walk from the top.

  • 5 elements, 5 animals.

  • 8 states, infinite substance.

  • Female ancestors.



